Google shopping is a Google tool that allows users to search for, compare, and shop for actual objects from a variety of shops that have paid to advertise their goods. Also known as a Shopping Comparison Engine (CSE).
eCommerce platform to consider for the Google Shopping extension
Opencart. For e-merchants, Opencart is a free open-source e-commerce platform. It also gives a professional and dependable basis on which to construct a successful online store. Store owners may get Opencart and other platform plugins from, which has a lot of them at low prices. Knowband is a module development business as well as an eCommerce solution supplier. It has been developing plugins for a variety of eCommerce platforms, including Opencart.
OpenCart Google Shopping Integration

Clients can use the Google Shopping integration extension to search for, view, and compare items on the Google search page. Furthermore, the OpenCart Google Shopping Integration module syncs the OpenCart eCommerce store’s products, as well as the relevant settings, to the Google Merchant Center account. Apart from that, the module provides the quickest and simplest panel for attracting large attention for your items and website in a short period of time. period of time. Furthermore, retailers may easily publish their product feeds to Google Shopping with the help of this plugin.
Google Shopping integration extension benefits:
- Maps every OpenCart category to Google Shopping.
- The Google Shopping Integration for OpenCart is suitable for multi-store environments. Additionally, store administrators can use this module to reject things based on specified criteria, such as anything priced below a certain threshold.
- Items without unique identifiers (EAN13/JAN or UPC) are available.
- Color, Size, Gender, Pattern, and other attribute groups are managed by module.
- For manual product feed, the extension saves a lot of time and labor.

How does Google Shopping integration extension Synchronizer work?
The shop administrator must first install and configure the module. The shop administrator can refer to the user manual on the Knowband website for step-by-step instructions on how to configure. In addition, if you require any assistance with the module installation, Knowband offers free installation and configuration services. As a result, you are free to contact the customer service staff. The extension is ready to use after the configuration or setup is completed. As a result, retailers will be able to automate the listing procedure.

Store owners must generate API keys in order to use the Google Shopping Integration Module. When the setup is complete, the OpenCart Google Shopping integration is prepared for usage. As a result, retailers will be able to automate the listing procedure.
Store owners must generate API keys in order to use the Google Shopping Integration Module. The Google Shopping store listing can be readily managed once the setup is complete.
How to install?
Store owners may easily install the OpenCart Google Shopping Integration Extension by following the steps below.
- A merchant must first download and unzip the OpenCart Google Shopping module from OpenCart into a folder. Additionally, after unzipping the extension’s folder structure, you’ll get the screen below:

2. After that, open the upload directory and look for a folder structure that looks like the one below.

3. Use FTP to log in. Drag and drop all of the folders into the root directory of your server.
4. Give the google shopping folder, as well as its subfolders, writing permission (775 OR 777). You will also discover the google shopping folder in one of the locations mentioned below.
5. The Google Shopping extension for OpenCart is now available for installation in your OpenCart store.

6. Click the Install link to install the OpenCart Google Shopping Synchronization plugin.
7. To use the Google Shopping plugin, go to the OpenCart Google Shopping module and click the modify button, as shown below.

8. When you click the edit button, the OpenCart Google Shopping module’s admin interface will open. The module’s admin interface is divided into seven tabs, as seen below:

What are the Final thoughts on OpenCart Google Shopping Integration?
Installing the OpenCart Google Shopping Integration Plugin is worthwhile since it provides the store admin with amazing and fully working integration solutions. With the assistance of this module, Google-sponsored advertisements make it simple for retailers to list and showcase their products. In addition, the powerful OpenCart Google Shopping Integration module makes it simple to display your products on Google Shopping and attracts thousands of new and focused clients to your online store.